As you can see from the previous picture, the moss is growing well on the second piece of driftwood. I have also cut the driftwood into shape so it looks more pleasing to the eye. I still need to put a background on the back of the aquarium but have been really busy.
Ive added a few plants
1. limnophilia vietnam mini (planted this along the back left corner and right front corner)
2. Bolbitis. - Thanks Tone (have attached this to driftwood on the rear right corner of the tank)
3. The Taiwan moss has not died and is growing.
4. The USS fissidens looks very healthy now. Will post some comparison pics later on.
Currently I am dosing with Seachem iron and comprehensive. Nothing else.
Front left: (on the tile) Weeping moss
Front left: Staurogyne Tropica
Front left: Pogostem Helferi
Front left: Red Tiger Lotus
Front left: Anubias
Front left: Hygro Pinnatifida
Front left: (towards back corner) Limnophilia mini vietnam
Front left middle: Hemianthus micranthemoides or HM
Front left middle: (on driftwood) Peacock moss
Front left middle: (on driftwood arms) Christmas moss
Front left middle: (on driftwood long arm) Fire moss
Front left middle: (on driftwood root branch) USS fissidens
Front left middle: (on driftwood long arm) Taiwan moss
Front left middle: Tricolor Lotus
Front left back: Ambulia spp. green
Center front: Glosso
Center back: Riccia
Center back: (on tile) Mini Pellia
Center middle: Hemianthus callitrichoides or HC
Center middle: Lilaeopsis
Right back: More Ambulia
Right back (little towards center): Baby tears
Right: (on driftwood): USS Fissidens (left arm)
Right: (on driftwood): Peacock moss (center arms)
Right: (on driftwood): Windelov Lace Java Fern, Narrow Leaf Java Fern and normal Java Fern
Right: (on driftwood): Java Moss (right arm)
Right: I think the red stem is Rotala Macandra
Right: Red Ambulia
Right: Towards back corner on driftwood - Bolbitis
Floating on surface of tank - Amazon Frogbit
3x Siamese Algae Eaters (Bully, Smartie, Dummy)
2x Borneo Hillside Suckers (Rocky and Cutie)
1x Albino Bristlenose Plec (Ugly)
4x Corydoras Pigmaeus
3x Blue Rams (Male is Tommy)
2x Clown Killifish
15x Cherry shrimp
2x Corydoras Julii
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