Thursday, October 20, 2011

SHRIMP TANK - Mulberry Leaves

I find it interesting how much the shrimp love to pick at Mulberry Leaves. What i generally do is boil the leaves for about 3 minutes and freeze them completely till they are rock hard. That way when they defrost they are soft enough for the shrimp to pick at.
Notice how I have culled all the less intense shrimp, and replaced they with better coloured ones.


  1. Hi Emboli, where can I buy these leaves? I do not find them in Europe :( Please help

  2. Hi there. Sorry for the late reply, I don't read my blog replies all that much as people never seem to reply. I picked these leaves from work as they grow in Australia. Spinach and Indian almond leaves are also very good to use as alternatives. I hope this helps
