I have been requested by a viewer to post up a whole tank photo of my shrimp tank. The scape is not all that interesting as I try not fiddle with the tank too much (unlike the other tank). Anyway, here it is.
Here is a bried description. To the right is the shrimp house made of carbon. The field in front of it is filled with staurogyne which I thought was very pretty. To the left is a large clump of Subwassertang and Hydrocotyle. Reason why i used Wassertang is because shrimplets love it. The shrimp housing is covered in Peacock moss and towards the middle is ordinary Java moss which is always reliable. To the back left there is some Water Sprite and Red/Green Milfoil.
I cover my intake with normal netting to avoid shrimpets from being sucked in. People have used sponges but I prefer netting as it does not get dirty or clogged easily. On the driftwood towards the centre is Fissidens. Its for display only really.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed the photos. And coming up next in the blog is a VIDEO captured this morning of my shrimp mating.
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