Hi guys, I have sold off a lot of my plants in my EHEIM Opal to make way for new plants as mentioned previously. Hence my tank looks a bit scrappy at the moment. I apologise for the cloudiness of the water. I just finished re-scaping the tank.
Here is a new list of new plants I recently acquired:
1. Crinum Calamistratum (planted in the middle - octopus looking plant)
2. Tri-colour lotus (planted towards the front left - mostly melted probably wont survive)
3. Tonina fluviatilis (planted towards the back left in a row. bright green plant)
4. Ludwigia senegalensis (planted front rightmost corner of tank - looks scrappy at the moment)
5. Ludwigia sp Cuba (planted far left corner of the tank - 3 stems)
6. Marimo ball (got one large one in there left corner)
7. Taiwan moss (planted in my shrimp tank - will update later on)
And here is the list of my updated plant list.
1. On driftwood far right (Peacock moss)
2. Hygro Pinnatifada
3. Staurogyne Tropica (far left)
4. On stainless steel plates (fissidens moss, mini pellia leftovers, nano moss)
Plants that i currently want:
1. Eriocaulon cinereum
2. Eriocaulon sp. Shiga (this plant should arrive this week)
3. Syngonathus 'Madeira' (currently after this plant - still deciding)
4. Pogo Helferi - i need more in the front but seems to be growing slowly - conditions not right?
Other things that I need:
1. Background to the tank - Will have to get off my arse and ask where i can get one large enough.
2. Lily Pipes - I have been wanting one of these for ages - on the backburner.
3. New Regulator - Really want a Dupla one but its too expensive - maybe one day.
Just getting into making my own ferts now but I need to finish off my Seachem Comprehensive ferts first. I have ordered a lot of ferts from Dave.
Magnesium Sulphate "K2SO4" - 500g
Monopotassium Phosphate "KH2PO4" - 500g
Potassium Sulphate "K2SO4" - 500g
Potassium nitrate - 500g
PMDD Cronin's formula - 500g
At the rate that I am using these ferts, they will probably last forever.
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