top: ooh so blissful. Totally unaware of the upcoming catastrophe
top: pulling up the carpet from the substrate. Felt like a decent thick carpet.
top: Now it is sitting in a tub ready to be shipped off to Mark :)
Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba'
So it is time to pull out all the HC and start again from scratch. The carpet was getting too thick and it was just a matter of time till it pulled itself up.
I have taken several photos of how to pull this plant out. It was actually a lot easier than I thought. Replanting was just a matter of sticking a few pieces back into the substrate and topping it off.
Here is some information on HC Cuba:
1. Plant in small patches using tweezers. Cover 80% of the plant so it doesn't float everywhere.
2. It needs high light.
3. It needs good substrate - I prefer ADA Aquasoil.
4. CO2 helps but is not 100% necessary.
5. Fertilisation helps but is not 100% necessary.
TIP: I have been asked many times how to grow this plant. It comes down to good substrate, good light and good CO2. All these three factors are necessary for a healthy growth. When i drop my lights back, the plant doesn't grow. When i drop my CO2 back, it goes yellow. Too much light and you may get algae issues. I use 2x T5HOs in a 3 foot tank. So far PMDD fertilisation is working well.
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