Friday, November 30, 2012

[SHRIMP TANK] Black Cherries

 Another few weeks have passed and the weather is scorching hot. So hot that I am very worried that some of my shrimp may pass away from the heat. So what do i do?
I make the wise decision in buying a pair of black cherries!
Thanks to Dean for supplying this magnificient pair. I have also noticed a blue hue on the snow whites. This puzzles me.
Red Rillis have produced their first batch. I will post up some pics when the shrimplets are big enough to view on camera.
 You may be wondering why the hell I posted up this last picture. Take a better look and if you see the reason feel free to send me a reply.

1 comment:

  1. That snow white looks awsome, kind of like a blue bolt.

    Nice blue tongue, i have one myself
